Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Number Operation

Assalamualaikum and a very good morning guys...

Today, we would like to share some of knowledge that we already learned before...
Maybe some of you still confuse on how to do some calculation with binary and hexadecimal number...

On this post, we would like to share with you about the calculation of binary and hexadecimal number...
Hope it will help you to understand this topic......


1. Binary Addition
    We have make a video on how to do addition on binary number...hope it can guide you to do
     some exercise.

2. Binary Subtraction
    Here a video that show you how to do subtraction operation...

3. Binary Multiplication

For binary multiply, we can say that it is easy to solve because we already know that all number who times with zero, it will give the total zero... Quite easy right???

4. Binary Division

For binary division, we think it is easy to understand because you need to divide the number as usual...


Before that, i would like to remind you about the value that each decimal, binary and hexadecimal hold...Take a look and try to find the easy way to remember it...

1. Hexadecimal Addition

Tonight,  will continue about number operation...
But, this time we will move to another level which is addition in hexadecimal... Here are some example that we have choose for you...

As we can see, we need to add two number from base sixteen(16)... For question like this, it is easy because we just need to add both of the number as usual...

Before we go further, i already remind you about value that binary, hexadecimal n decimal holds... So, next example will show you about some of value that store in hexadecimal...

First of all... DON'T PANIC...
Why suddenly have alphabets??
This is the unique about ICT subject...We use alphabets to store the values after 9...
Even though look weird, but it quiet fun in hexadecimal addition.... The step of operation as below,

1. You change from 'A' to 10..
2. Then, you just need to add as usual mathematics...
3. The answer is 12 12...just like i said before, we use alphabets as a symbol for numbers after 9...
4. Compare it with the table and write back your answer...
5. Don't forget to put the base at the answer...

Next, our third example for hexadecimal addition...

These are the step to solve the problem

1. Change from alphabets to number base on table we provide...
2. Add one side first(for this example F + B)
3. If the total exceed 15, minus the total with 16 and bring 1(carry) to the next number.
4. The balance then will be left as first answer(for this example the balance is 10)
5. Convert the balance to alphabets if necessary
6. Do the same thing to the other side(add, minus, bring carry)
7. Then you will get the answer...

2. Hexadecimal Subtraction

For subtraction, there is slightly different compare with addition... We can not subtract both number until we do 2's complement which is change the sign of one of the number... These are the step..

1. Change the number(for this question 3A) into binary number
2. Then, change all number 1 into 0 and all number 0 into 1 in other word just reverse the value
3. Add 1 to the reversed value
4. Next, changed the binary number into hexadecimal number
5. Base on question, we must subtract, but after we use 2's complement, we must add both number
6. After that, change the number into hexadecimal number base on the previous example
7. Lastly, cancel out no 1 at the front as it symbol as negative or positive.

Now, you already know how to do some operation on binary and hexadecimal number

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