Thursday, November 21, 2013


hye we meet again today,,, now i want to continue the next part of digital logic
check it out..

  • Combinations of different gates in one circuit.
  • The output depends only on the levels presents at input.
  • Do not use any memory.
  • Consists of input variables, logic gates and output variables.
  • Can be represented in three ways; truth table, graphical symbols and Boolean equations.

From the figure below draw the truth table and state the Boolean equation.


From the truth table above we can conclude that the Boolean expression is
 F = [ (A.B) + (C.D)]'

Another example:


From the truth table, the Boolean expression;
F = (A'B) + B'A)

  • Automates construction of circuit from truth table
  • Identify each row of the output that has a 1 at output
  • Convert into equivalent variables, AND together then OR


From the truth table below construct the SOP expression.

F = (A'B) + B'A)

Step 1: Identify rows with 1

Step 2: Put apostrophe (') over variables that is 0 in its row

Step 3: Make a sum of all product term

SOP expression = A'B + AB'

Step 4: Simplify the SOP expression

SOP = A'B + AB'

* since the expression cannot be simplify just leave the answer like that.

You don't understand???
This is another example to make you understand more..

F = A'B' + ABCD'

SOP = (A'B'C'D') + (A'B'C'D) + (A'B'CD') + (A'B'CD) + (ABC'D)

Lets continue to next subtopic..

  • Identify each row of the output that has 0 at output
  • Convert into equivalent variables, OR then AND with other OR forms.
  • Usually use if more 1 produce in output function

Construct the POS expression from the truth table below.

Step 1: Identify row with 0 and put apostrophe over variables that is 1 in its row. Sum the variables as follow.

Step 2: Multiply the product term
POS = (A'+B+C) . (A'+B'+C')

Step 3: Simplify the expression

F = (A'+B+C) . (A'+B'+C')                  ---------------------- Factorize the equation
   = A'A' + A'B' + A'C' + BA' + BB' + CA' + CB' + CC'  --- Use Boolean algebra law: AA' = 0, A'A' = 0 
   = A'B' + A'C' + BA' + BC' + CA' + CB'    ----------- Factorize the same values
   = A'(B' + C' + B + C' + C) + CB'   
   = A'(1 + C') + CB'       -------- Use Boolean algebra law: A+A' = 1
   = A' + CB'

that's all for today,have fun with your be continued
*if you don't understand just give me a hint then i'll upload more example for you

by nadhiah amira nordin

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