check it out..
- Combinations of different gates in one circuit.
- The output depends only on the levels presents at input.
- Do not use any memory.
- Consists of input variables, logic gates and output variables.
- Can be represented in three ways; truth table, graphical symbols and Boolean equations.
From the truth table above we can conclude that the Boolean expression is
F = [ (A.B) + (C.D)]'
Another example:
From the truth table, the Boolean expression;
F = (A'B) + B'A)
- Automates construction of circuit from truth table
- Identify each row of the output that has a 1 at output
- Convert into equivalent variables, AND together then OR
From the truth table below construct the SOP expression.
F = (A'B) + B'A)
Step 1: Identify rows with 1
Step 2: Put apostrophe (') over variables that is 0 in its row
Step 3: Make a sum of all product term
SOP expression = A'B + AB'
Step 4: Simplify the SOP expression
SOP = A'B + AB'
* since the expression cannot be simplify just leave the answer like that.
You don't understand???
This is another example to make you understand more..
F = A'B' + ABCD'
SOP = (A'B'C'D') + (A'B'C'D) + (A'B'CD') + (A'B'CD) + (ABC'D)
Lets continue to next subtopic..
- Identify each row of the output that has 0 at output
- Convert into equivalent variables, OR then AND with other OR forms.
- Usually use if more 1 produce in output function
Construct the POS expression from the truth table below.
Step 1: Identify row
with 0 and put apostrophe over variables that is 1 in its row. Sum the
variables as follow.
Step 2: Multiply the product term
POS = (A'+B+C) . (A'+B'+C')
Step 3: Simplify the expression
F = (A'+B+C) . (A'+B'+C') ---------------------- Factorize the equation
= A'A' + A'B' + A'C' + BA' + BB' + CA' + CB' + CC' --- Use Boolean algebra law: AA' = 0, A'A' = 0
= A'B' + A'C' + BA' + BC' + CA' + CB' ----------- Factorize the same values
= A'(B' + C' + B + C' + C) + CB'
= A'(1 + C') + CB' -------- Use Boolean algebra law: A+A' = 1
= A' + CB'
that's all for today,have fun with your be continued
*if you don't understand just give me a hint then i'll upload more example for you
by nadhiah amira nordin
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